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Hypack User Ideas Portal


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Add export button and make save button only save data

To streamline saving data remove the export options from the save button and create a new button for the data export options. This will streamline data saving and help eliminate coms confusion and extra mouse clicks.
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0

MBMAX64 - customize of sweeps outline in Survey window

The outline of sweeps or cloud section on the Survey Map is very faint. A user suggests it could be customized in terms of line width / color in the same way we can do for the Data Cursor in Custom Colors dialog. For example, try to see where the ...
Ivan Izaak about 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

Add grid convergence checkbox to Patch test window.

Would be very nice to have the ability to check grid convergence within the patch test window when calculating values. Could also have a popup after clicking OK on the yaw test that ask if you would like to apply grid convergence if the box is not...
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

MBMAX64, HYSCAN: Go To Position option

Emile Foote suggested to add an option to go into a known position in MBMAX64 and in SSTM as well to speed up the process of searching for the objects - kind of existing Go to Position option we have in the Main Shell
Ivan Izaak almost 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 1 Planned

Show all MBES points recorded in Map windows rather than matrix cells

SHow all recorded points in MBMax Map window. As an option to the matrix or cells
Guest almost 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 2 Will not implement

FIX the way we handle SVP files

Software for SVP hardware such as AML,Valeport etc has the ability to export out a vel file. IF the project is in feet the exported vel file has to be brought into svp editor ONE AT A TIME and the depth has to be converted to feet but the velocity...
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

Show all soundings in MBmax main window, not only cells

The main window in MBMAX only shows grid cells but not all data points. Would be great if we can add a tickmark field to show all data points in there, rather than cells. This would make cleaning data easier more intuitive as you would be able to ...
Guest about 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0 Will not implement

Add new TPU standard (Italy)

Our customers in Italy have informed us that the Italian Hydrographic Office has added another national standard for TPU that is a bit more tight than Exclusive order. The new standard has two different values for 1. Depth (THU): Rather than 1m th...
Guest about 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

Blueview 5000 re-write

Currently the BV5000 is treated like a laser so the customer can not apply an SV to the data which they would like as there are no slant range or beam take off angles to apply to. If they were to use it in a straight down mount and not use the til...
Caryn Zacharias about 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

Create a new Matrix format for auto matrix

Currently we have an auto matrix feature that does not work well for MB surveys. We should create a new format that does NOT make a bunch of boxes and can operate smoothly (without a ton of holes and gaps)with the intent that it replace the standa...
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 1