This is a very field of dreams task, no one has focused snippets processing towards dredgers and we should start that.
Build snippets/backscatter processing tools specific to dredgers,. So this would be an easy way to categorize bottom type. A point and click bottom sample correlation ability. A very dumb classification ability that looks at relative "Hardness" Perhaps just using average back scatter. I see this as a way that dredgers can anticipate what they have to dig through as well as a way to check what they have dug too.
This idea would be very helpful to Cashman on their project in boston where they are allowed to leave harder material so this would be a way for them to map what they left and plan their dredging activities around the relative bottom type saving them time.
As part of the segmentaion of sidescan returns the backscatter addition to HYSCAN will accomplish this.