The customer (Mike Higgs - USACE) would like to be able to compare multiple tides in the Tidal analysis. He wants to be able to compare RTK tides ,PPK Tides, Manual Tides and NOAA tides at the same time .
He would also like it to only compare specific times. Currently it gives a standard deviation but he said it is not accurate because it starts at the wrong time which bias the data. He would like for it to compare against the data within the same time .
This one is in Progress
One more thing added by John S. Haas:
I know in the tide analyzer routine I can edit my RTX raw tide and export to a tid file. Would there be any interest by other users to output an averaged tid file ? And with that perhaps a weighted average tid file… say hypothetically… 85% RTX, 10% Staff gauge, 5% NOAA gauge. Just random numbers but you get the idea. I feel the RTX or VRS is the standard or the primary source but sometimes we find differences in the local staff gauges or even the NOAA gauges that perhaps could influence the final product.
John S. Haas from Galveston USACE, has asked the same.
this has been requested again. Please consider adding
This is the suggested look of the updates requested