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Hypack User Ideas Portal
Workspace Hypack
Created by Ivan Izaak
Created on Jul 19, 2023

ACD - Import Centerline misses Z column

Advanced Channel Design program - Centerline tab misses the Z column which is very important - compare Channel Design, where the Z column is there. Let's add it into ACD as well when importing a centerline?


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  • Jerry Knisley
    Nov 28, 2023

    In ACD the Z value was added to the Right and Left Toes but the Centerline does not include it. We need to consider the best option, is it to allow Centerline control of the Z or to offer different Z and each Toe Point?

  • Cristhian Bermudez
    Sep 19, 2023

    I have updated the document for including more features that ACD need.

  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2023

    I have created a document including that issue and some other limitations we have in ACD.