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Hypack User Ideas Portal
Status Planned
Workspace LiDAR Payload
Created by Ivan Izaak
Created on Jul 22, 2022

More abilities for LAS Files (Classes)

JIRA ticket SUP-1026

Tom-Clinton Baker from Terra Remote Sensing has asked the following:

Do you have support for viewing different classes in LAS files or do they all just come as one ‘class’ in Hypack. This would be an incredibly useful feature to have for working with LAS files that have classes defined such as ground, water, buildings, etc…

  • Attach files
  • Ivan Izaak
    Jul 25, 2022

    Tom has additional information about LAS:

    When processing LiDAR or large MB datasets we often save as .LAS as they are faster to work with the ASCII XYZs. We also often import .LAS files into MBMAX for comparing to other datasets or to merge MB/LiDAR datasets. Having more .LAS capability would be a great feature, especially the ability to work with different classes.