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ITRF2014 vertical transformation

When doing the Time Variable Transformation in Geodesy HYPACK does not account for vertical. Therefore a z value under the RTK Tide method needs to be entered. There is a spreadsheet available for the techs to enter all the position information an...
Caryn Zacharias about 3 years ago in Hypack 0 Planned

Allow user to create their own file naming scheme

While having default names is good. There are times that users need to be able to create their own naming scheme. Would be good if we provided a way to do this such as the way it can be done within the screen shot program Greenshot ( see attached ...
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in Hypack 0

More options for the TPU

Got few customers asking to extend capabilities of MBMAX64 regarding TPU: Color Code based on TVU or THU - I understand it may be too complicated since Survey window shows cells and you can't really paint the matrix with TVU/THU as they are binded...
Ivan Izaak over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 1

Add user selectable hotkeys

Users need to be able to speed up processing by assigning hotkeys to tools, etc.
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0

Ability to scale down profile/echogram in SBMAX64

Holding ctrl+scroll up results in a vertical scale up in SBMAX64, but holding ctrl+scroll down does not vertical scale down. In SBMAX32, you have the ability to scale both up and down which the customer reported is useful for long lines when they ...
Calandria Decastro over 1 year ago in Hypack 0

Add ability to populate a Matrix from RAW files with Dredgepack licence

Currently if a user only has a dredgepack licence there is no way for them to use the RAW files to populate a matrix. This can only be done by bringing the raw files into SBMAX, exporting an XYZ and then filling the matrix. Not being able to at le...
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in DREDGEPACK 1

Auto generated Survey reports

It would be great to add to all processing programs a survey report feature that would produce a PDF type document. This document should include information on Datums and units, time online, total line distance, vessel information (if populated by...
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in Hypack 1 Planned

Create new velodyne driver that allows roll to be in SBG

Add a 3rd velodyne driver (Velodyne Payload) That changes the default orentation to -90deg. This would allow all rotation offsets to be in SBG and ALL offsets to be zero.
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in LiDAR Payload 0 Already exists

Create a simple user interface

Create a simple button style interface that will simplify the starting of the payload, the configuration of offsets, output etc. Then remove all mention of SBG center in the manual thereby reducing support calls and reducing the chance for errors ...
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in LiDAR Payload 0 Will not implement

Auto determine time offset for PPK/Delayed heave application

We currently have the time offset in the RAW file we should use that to auto populate the time offset for ppk and delayed heave application. May also make things easier to put that time offset in the HSX file as well.
Joshua Sampey over 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0