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Hypack User Ideas Portal

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Increase X and Y Resolution to 1mm

TOYO Corporation asks to increase X and Y resolution to 0.001 instead of 0.01 as more of Japanese customers require it for better processing of the GPS positions.
Ivan Izaak over 2 years ago in Hypack 1

Add grid convergence checkbox to Patch test window.

Would be very nice to have the ability to check grid convergence within the patch test window when calculating values. Could also have a popup after clicking OK on the yaw test that ask if you would like to apply grid convergence if the box is not...
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

Add smoothing to SV editor.

Found that this may be usefull in cases where user has both UP and down cast in the SV export. Saves time when the cast is zig zagging.
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in Hypack 0

Record target creation in survey log

Nice if when a target is created that target creation time is logged in the survey log and if the target is named then the name gets recorded. Handy for keeping track of SV cast or other information.
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in Hypack 1

Add ability to get same cross section images out of TIN as we can CSV.

No description provided
Joshua Sampey over 2 years ago in Hypack 0

Unabara Z-Sweep Driver

USACE is looking for HYPACK to create a driver for the Unabara Z-Sweep system. Zipped files will not attached here. Look here for more information
Caryn Zacharias over 1 year ago in Hypack 3

Create better reports for dredge management

need a way to easily track information for backend reporting of dredging ops that do not clutter the operator screen, cycle time, number of grabs per location etc.
Joshua Sampey over 2 years ago in DREDGEPACK 1

Create RTK tides calculation slider for Hysweep extended interface driver

With both Norbit and Reson able to pass through data over s7k it would be nice to be able to filter RTK tides in survey like all other position drivers.
Joshua Sampey over 1 year ago in Hypack 0

Support of ZOLLICH LiDAR

A customer, CIDCO, wants to integrate their Lidar Zoller Frohlich Z+F 9012 JIRA Ticket
Ivan Izaak over 1 year ago in LiDAR Payload 0

Boat Multi Position expanded

Marcis Palisa asked to extend the Boat Multi Position to include not only GPS.dll but also Applanix driver as they want to compare their POSMV and a Hemisphere - right now only GPS.dll can be used for that.
Ivan Izaak over 1 year ago in Hypack 0