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Hypack User Ideas Portal

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HYSCAN - transparency of sidescan coverage in Coverage window

Harry Sealey suggested to add a transparency of the sidescan coverage in the Coverage window. He says it may help to see where you place a target in the Waterfall over the background chart you have in the Coverage Map window.
Ivan Izaak almost 2 years ago in Sidescan 1 Planned

Add NAD-83 State Plane Zone Map

Someone called asking, "how do I figure out what state plane zone I'm in?". I directed them the ArcGIS website where this map comes up. It would be handy if there was some functionality in HYPACK similar to "select on map" that is available for UT...
Calandria Decastro over 2 years ago in Hypack 1 Planned

Tide Analyzer - add more tides to compare

The customer (Mike Higgs - USACE) would like to be able to compare multiple tides in the Tidal analysis. He wants to be able to compare RTK tides ,PPK Tides, Manual Tides and NOAA tides at the same time . He would also like it to only compare spec...
Caryn Zacharias over 2 years ago in Hypack 5 In Progress

Project Conversion ability to convert from a feet to a meters project

Currently Project Conversion will not convert a multibeam dataset from a feet to a meters project; the best workflow at the moment is to save as an XYZ then use GeoList Converter. Having the ability to either use Project Conversion to convert, or ...
Calandria Decastro almost 2 years ago in Hypack 1

New line planning method based on MBES coverage

When planning lines for a MBES survey customers would have to calculate the swath width and overlap they want in order to get the line distance. Would be nice if we can add a new line planner for MBES, based on Swath coverage and swathe overlap (m...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Hypack 3

Add ability to tide correct XYZ data

Client has XYZ Time file and need to apply a tide file. We should add the ability to correct the file with tide somewhere in our software.
Joshua Sampey over 2 years ago in Hypack 2

Turn off double click to add a target

In DREDGEPACK, add the ability to toggle off the double click to add target function. Many dredgers that we log in to have 100+ targets from accidentally double clicking. Tablets are becoming more popular for dredging applications and I think the ...
Joshua Vey over 1 year ago in DREDGEPACK 0 Planned

Add 'Depth' Function to ALL Inertial System drivers, like GPS driver has

The GPS driver has the 'Depth' function, which allows the RTK Tide value to be recorded as a EC1 Depth record, so that it can be brought into the SBMAX Editor and output as an XYZ data set. Very useful for Land Topographic surveying.Adding this fe...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Hypack 0

Default to recording snippets

By default, recording snippets is disabled. It was recommended that this be enabled by default, as some users may not realize they are not recording snippets when they need it.
Guest over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 1 Planned

SBMAX64 - Echogram adjustments

Paul Davies has proposed two improvements in SBMAX64 which are already in 32bit editor: Ability to change the width of the right (envelope) section of the Echogram window - attached is the one from 32bit, not available in 64 Echogram window in 64 ...
Ivan Izaak almost 2 years ago in Hypack 0