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Hysweep INI - keeping all of the settings

Currently, if you export Hysweep Hardware, resulting Hysweep.ini won't keep the settings you set in the HYSWEEP SURVEY, only the hardware settings. Harry Sealey request it to keep survey settings as well as they restore their INI very often becaus...
Ivan Izaak over 1 year ago in HYSWEEP 3 Already exists

Need more ROV tools in Hypack

Just got a call about this. We need more tools for ROV work. Need a way to stream video into Hypack and record the footage. Each frame should have a location tag. Additionally we need to be able to when f5 is hit a frame of video footage along wit...
Joshua Sampey about 3 years ago in Hypack 1

SV Editor - show the selected data row on the graph

Harry Sealey (Shoreline Surveys) suggested that SVE shows the selected row in the spreadsheet on the graph for better visualization. Especially useful if you want to delete some rows with the outliers.
Ivan Izaak over 2 years ago in Hypack 1

Tide Analyzer to read HS2X files

Currently Tide Analyzer can't load HS2X neither with SB nor with MB data, it can only open ALL format and the manual also tells it can open RAW, HSX, ALL or HS2. I think we should add the support for the HS2X as well since this is our most common ...
Ivan Izaak over 2 years ago in Hypack 1

TIN MODEL - export of the XYZ as differences - ability to save either in Tin1 nodes or Tin2 nodes

When you create two models and want to export the differences into XYZ, there are checkboxes to either use Tin1 or Tin2 or Both as XY but they do not work i.e. if you check only Tin1, program should save the differences into Tin1 XY. AS John expla...
Ivan Izaak over 2 years ago in Hypack 2

MAGEDIT/SBMAX64 - display of the layback value (and export)

Gordon Campbell from Aspect Surveys, UK, is asking to include the Layback value into the Spreadsheet so it can be verified and exported. Currently there is no such an item in both editors spreadsheets. I only suggested him to open a RAW file in No...
Ivan Izaak over 2 years ago in Hypack 1 Planned

SBP Editor - Fence Diagram - Georeferencing

TOYO has asked if SBP Editor can output the fence diagram so it can be superimposed over bathymetry or sidescan as a background in the SHELL. I guess this is a good idea just not sure how much development will it require.
Ivan Izaak over 1 year ago in Hypack 1

Environmental Editor - add TIN Max Side option

Nick Martin from Xylem UK said it would be nice if Env Editor has the TIN Max Side option to avoid uncorrelated points to be contoured JIRA SUP-3319
Ivan Izaak over 1 year ago in Hypack 0

Clip to border file in MagEditor

2022 does not have this option. 2016a does, which was helpful for the customer since that's the version he was using but there is definitely a want/need for this option to be available in 2022.
Calandria Decastro over 2 years ago in Hypack 0 Planned

Survey Log- more customization options

I had a request to be able to add additional flexibility within Survey Log. Specifically, this person wanted the ability to add another table where they could log SVP casts as they take them. It might look similar to the "Add custom header" option...
Calandria Decastro over 2 years ago in Hypack 0