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SS Survey: Bottom Track and Range Lines - Different Colors

Currently both, bottom track and range lines in SS SURVEY have the same light blue color. Would be nice if they are of different colors. In HYSCAN they are different.
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Sidescan 0 Already exists


In Cloud program add a point classification feature. The user will be able to use some options that can classify the points automatically in order to separate the bare earth from the trees. Or finding vertical structures. Here is an example of sim...
Guest about 3 years ago in LiDAR Payload 0 Planned

Allow SBP to use HS2X files for Nav and/or apply PPK files

Currently SBP only allows RAW and EDT files for Navigation. We should add support from HS2x files so that navigation ( PPK Application) can be done in SBMax 64. Possible also allow PPK file application in SBP.
Joshua Sampey about 3 years ago in Hypack 0

ADCP Profile - Export to CSV - include each cell depth (now it only has total depth)?

A user, AECOM, Canada, asked for this option as they need to understand what is a cell depth on the profile in CSV - they use some own script in Excel to analyze the data
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Hypack 1 Planned

MBMAX64-Quick Key to switch between the lines

Emile Foote suggested to add a key combination to go to the next line - like PgUp to go to next block, the same to go to next line when one line is finished. He said it would be handy if you load hundreds of lines into a session.
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in HYSWEEP 0 Planned

Humminbird Solix Sidescan Interfacing

Right now Humminbird refuses to pass their data to us but maybe in the future?
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Sidescan 0

RTC - option to display logged data or all data

Suggested by Shoreline Surveys (Harry Sealey). Not sure if it is worth of implementing as the program name stands for real display...
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Hypack 0

Targets in SURVEY - Group Selection

Emile Foote (they work with targets really!) suggested that the Target Parameters dialog has another option to select/create a target group to add a target you created (like they create targets over cable - one group, then they place targets at th...
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Hypack 0

Import Lowrance sidescan *.sl2 files into SSTM

David Copley from NORTH GROUP (AU) asked for this
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Sidescan 0

CSV - saving all digitized points in a single XYZ

CSV used to save all digitized points from all the sections into a single XYZ. Now it saves only the points digitized on current section. Katie Cook from USACE says it used to work better in 2019 and earlier versions.
Ivan Izaak about 3 years ago in Hypack 1